I'm pretty comfortable painting in front of people. I'm usually painting during open studios since it can get pretty boring in between answering questions and greeting people. Plus, our open studios usually last for three days which is a lot of hours to be in my studio and not be painting. I think it's good for people to see my process, and it usually takes care of answering the dreaded question, "Are those photographs or actual paintings?" I am also paint pretty fast, so in three hours I can get a lot of work done, which people like to see. I just hope I don't get too distracted by all the shiny new art supplies around me at Flax!
So if you are in San Francisco, stop by Flax and say hi. It will be nice to see some friendly and familiar faces.
In other news... I finished the painting with the pot roast and oven. It is now awaiting wax. I sketched out two more paintings and started one of them. I am finishing these paintings quick enough that I am once again out of panels after I finish these two pieces. It seems like I am always order panels lately, which is not a bad thing, as long as the finished panels are selling! I am hoping that with open studios and the two shows coming up, plus the quarter page ad for 111 Minna Gallery, which has my painting on it (!!!), that is coming out on the next issue of 7x7 magazine, I will be selling a lot of work soon. Keep your fingers crossed, cause I will!
My latest painting, 24"x30" |
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