Saturday, October 22, 2011

Learning to Draw, Old School Style Part 6

Last Sunday was the last day of my drawing class and I have finally been able to take a picture of the final drawing. I think overall it turned out okay, although there are parts (like the head and legs) that could use a lot more work. There just wasn't enough time to finish this to my liking. You'd think spending 6 Sundays, 4 hours each day, would be enough time, but there wasn't. Go figure. I am signed up for Sadie's oil painting class that starts in two weeks and I will also be attending the model sessions on Thursday nights so that I can practice my drawing skills on a different model. I am finding that I really am enjoying these classes and the structure of the methods we use. It has improved my painting, and more importantly, how I see my figures and then translate that information. I can't wait to take more!

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