It's been a long time since I have written anything on this blog...since July 2013 to be exact. Last year was an interesting year, to say the least, and I wasn't in the right mind frame to do much of anything, including writing or painting. It was filled with a lot of frustration and heartache that came from my body refusing to do what I wanted it to do, this then causing my creativity to shut down. It was a hard year to feel like I should be creating but not able to do anything about it. I am really good at making myself feel guilty about things like this, which only makes matters worse. But today is a new year and with this new year comes a commitment to write more and, of course, to paint more.
Albert, our dog we adopted in June, is such a character! |
This year I will be working on a new series that has me excited and inspired (some of you have had peeks of of the new work on Facebook). I have just completed five pieces (as soon as I have them photographed I will add them on this blog) with a few more in the works. The bulk of these new pieces will be shipped to a new gallery in Charlotte, NC, which will have it's grand opening on February 6th. A few of these pieces will also be available at JoAnne Artman Gallery in Laguna Beach, CA. I am hoping to have a few more galleries showing this work, so stay tuned.
Along with a lot of painting this year, Ben and I are planning on adopting! We are working with an agency that works with children that are in the foster care system and are hoping to get one to two children (siblings of the same sex) under the age of three. We have already completed our training and paperwork (which was pretty hefty) and are now waiting to get our home study done. I am hoping (keep your fingers crossed!) that we will have a little one by summer.
Happy New Year from the Morse Family! |
A lot of great and exciting things are in the works for the Alvarado/ Morse family this year. Some of these things will be challenging, and I truthfully, I can't wait to face them head on. I am ready for 2014 to be a great year! Happy New Year everyone!!
Here are my "2014 Goals/ Resolutions":
1. Continue to write in my blog and keep it updated.
2. Paint at least 15-20 hours a week.
3. Kick ass on this new series
4. Have at least one solo show/ featured artist show this year.
5. Try something new once a month.
6. Keep a gratitude journal.